Tag: History

Karni Mata Temple: Heaven for rats and its devotees

Karni Mata Temple: Heaven for rats and its devotees

Karni Mata temple or temple of rats, one of a unique temple resides in Bikaner India. Legends depicts that rats are auspicious for people and city. A must visit place in world to experience virality in human nature. Bikaner, Rajhistan India: 30 kilometers from main city you can visit one of the unique temple in the world Karni Mata Temple. Karni Mata was a worrier whose real name was Ridhubai. She was a special kid from childhood. She was six years old, she healed the deadliest disease of her relative. After that her name Karni implied. She married to Dipoji Charan, a wealthy man in town. She wants to lie a life of saints. Sayings are she is the reincarnated form of Durga Maa. She lived a life of 150 years and she was as young and beautiful till end. Also known as Shri Karniji Maharaj...
Tomb of Ali Mardan Khan: Gesture for respect and loyalty

Tomb of Ali Mardan Khan: Gesture for respect and loyalty

Mughal architecture for one of their trust worthy member, facing the fall of its beauty just likes Mughal dynasty. Tomb of Ali Mardan Khan holds a beautiful pages in the book of history and friendship. Ali Mardan Khan was the most reliable and honorable cabinet member of Shah Jahan in 17th century. He was born in Kurdish family and was on a very prominent position in Qandhar. He serves as governor in the Persia’s Safavid Dynasty, becoming the truthful companion of Shah Abbas. In 1629 Shah died and his grandson Shah Safi (Sam Shah) took over the kingdom. His first priority was to eliminate all the loyal associates. Ali mardan offers Qandhar to Mughal Empire for survival reasons in 1637. Shah jahan accepted the offer because mughals use to rule Qandhar in the reign of Jahangir as well. ...
Preston School of Industry: A magnificent structure with dark past

Preston School of Industry: A magnificent structure with dark past

Preston school of Industry is clearly a unique and dark kind of school in United States. A famous reform school turned into a haunted memory. A School that changed lives of many kids as well as have a fair share of controversies. CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - One of the oldest and most famous reform school can be find in Lone, California, USA, locally known as Red Brick School. Preston School of Industry serves a fair share in country's betterment. The reformatory school was built in December 1890. School officially opened On June 13, 1984. Most of the wards came in here for minor crimes. First lot of wards came two weeks after its opening. There were strict rules and regulations to maintain discipline. A 5 storey, 77 rooms facility provided many productive citizens to co...
Machu Picchu: A mystery world in the heart of South America

Machu Picchu: A mystery world in the heart of South America

Machu Picchu, a heart of Peru. A beautiful land of houses, sanctuaries and temples. A vast land full of history and scenic beauty. PERU - One of the famous and alluring monuments in Peru is Machu Picchu. Host of more than 700,000 tourist every year. The enigma of its origin and purpose is still unknown. Built in 1520 and discovered in 1911 by one of Yale's Professor, it has a peculiar style of construction. It is under UNESCO World Heritage from 1983, also voted as one of Seven Wonders of World in 2007. It is also providing revenue to Peru for years. Special type of stones used here. Known as The Dry Stones. It is still a conundrum that how a city can establish on that height. It situated 7000 meters from sea level. Probably the largest ancient city of the world. It covers around ...
Minar e Pakistan Lahore: A tale of Muslim’s struggle

Minar e Pakistan Lahore: A tale of Muslim’s struggle

A 62-meters tall tower tells the stories of the valuable freedom. It also serves as a famous tourist and political venue for the nation. LAHORE, PAKISTAN - If you visit Lahore, You can witness a white marble building. Seems like a beautiful flower blooming in full glory. A beautiful lean tower known as Minar e Pakistan. It raised in Great Iqbal Park former called as Manto Park. This beautiful building is the symbol of freedom fighting. It erected on the remembrance of Muslim's great victory against opression. The resolution of Pakistan passed on 23rd March, 1940. This park witnessed the historical event. Minar e Pakistan is the symbol of struggle and hope for future. The perfect place to give tribute to all sacrifices Muslims made. Minar e Pakistan sketch Minar e Paksitan w...