Tag: police

Karachi police arrested man for harassment in Gulistan e Jauhar.
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Karachi police arrested man for harassment in Gulistan e Jauhar.

Karachi Police arrested mask man for sexual harassment in Gulshan e Jauhar. Karachi police of Sindh arrested the man involved in the public sexual harassment incident in Gulistan-e-Jauhar. He has met with obstacles. Artificial intelligence created a sketch from Gulshan e Jauhar CCTV footage. Their accuracy was questionable. At the same time, the incident went viral on social media police acted on it. The progress hampered the lack of cooperation from the victim. The three-member Commission of Inquiry investigates inconclusively. However, the case became even more confusing for investigators after the release of sketches that bore little resemblance to the actual killer. Tweet, this shameful incident happened in East Gulistan E. Jauhar District. Concerned law enforcement offici...
Salman Rushdie is on ventilator after attack

Salman Rushdie is on ventilator after attack

The writer is hiding heavily stabbed on Friday night when he was about to give a lecture in New York. Salman Rushdie was rushed to the hospital and is not in a stable condition so far. Satanic Verses had led him to a near-death experience by a 24-year-old boy. Hall was full of book nerds and spectators. They all were gathered here to hear a lecture by renowned book writer Salman Rushdie. Chautauqua Institution in western New York is the place where writer usually come and speak about different issues from time to time. After a while a male age 24 year approximately went up to stage and starts stabbing the writer. The moment police get there and stop him, 75 year old writer fell down and went into unconsciousness. He was taken immediately to the nearest hospital. Where doctors led ...
Dua Zehra Case is taking new twists and turns

Dua Zehra Case is taking new twists and turns

One witness and the person who solemnized the Nikah of Dua Zehra are under arrest. They confessed to being minors of girl and alleged husband Zaheer Ahmed. The case is turning into kidnapping and harassments. Wednesday: High profile kidnapping plus mysterious case of missing girl take a new turn. Punjab police arrested the witness and the cleric who Solemnize of Nikah on 10 days remand. After vigorous investigations, they both confessed that they knew that Dua and Zaheer are minors. This revelation makes Nikah illegal and Bogus. Dua Zehra is in grave danger and the police are trying their best to help her and her helpless parents. https://twitter.com/RaheelMuzna/status/1527224957696192513?s=20&t=2loUrF4RP7bGiKEfwU-Nsw A few weeks back, Dua e Zahra case came into the limel...
A Man from Taured, the country that does not exist

A Man from Taured, the country that does not exist

Many years ago a man appeared and vanished in Tokyo claiming he is from Taured. He was held by police, but he vanished into a hotel room. Does a conspiracy or time travel exists? It was a hot day at Tokyo Airport in July 1954. All the operations were going smooth and straight. A normal, Caucasian-looking man arrived at the checking counter. The officer seemed surprised to see his passport. He took him aside from the rest of the queue. He asked for the police to come immediately. Upon interrogating, the person said he came from Taured. Moreover, his passport had approval stamps from many European countries as well as Tokyo, Japan. Even the man from Taured acted puzzled on the questions. Karachi’s oddly named areas and the stories behind them The whole scenario was making the...