Tag: women

New Study Reveals Women’s Tears Reduce Male Aggression

New Study Reveals Women’s Tears Reduce Male Aggression

A recent study conducted by the Weizmann Institute of Science has uncovered an intriguing discovery: the scent of women's tears has the remarkable ability to diminish male aggression. Researchers identified a unique chemical component within tears that communicates a soothing message directly to the male brain. This chemical appears to significantly reduce aggressive tendencies in men, particularly in response to frustrating or unfair situations. To investigate this phenomenon, scientists enlisted 31 male participants in a controlled experiment. Each participant engaged in a challenging computer game designed to provoke frustration. Prior to playing, they were exposed to either a saline solution or actual women's tears, applied discreetly under their noses. The findings were stri...
Why Daughter in Law are unhappy?

Why Daughter in Law are unhappy?

Bringing a girl as a new daughter in law in home is considered a life-changing event in any desi household. But for many decades around 57 percent of new brides are not happy with their new setups. In this article, we will discuss the core reasons for such incidents. Bonds between some daughter in law and mothers-in-law are sometimes compared to the close friendship. But far too many women describe this relationship as fragile, tense, and even competitive. Not in desi household, a lot of western culture complains about the same issue as well. A young and energetic girl enters her new home with lots of dreams and plans. But with in few weeks and months, her blossomed youth starts getting rotten. Also read: Kailash Temple; Sanctuary carved from a single Rock In a careful census,...
Marie Curie is the first person to be awarded Nobel Prize twice

Marie Curie is the first person to be awarded Nobel Prize twice

Marie Curie was a Polish-French physicist of the 19th Century. She made numerous contributions to the world of science. Many of her discoveries are in use to this date. Marie Curie was the first person and woman ever to win the Nobel Prize twice. She relocated to Paris in 1891 to pursue her academic interests at the Sorbonne. Marie graduated with degrees in physics and mathematics. She started dating School of Physics Professor Pierre Curie in 1894, and the two got married the following year. When Pierre Curie tragically passed away in 1906, she took over as Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of Sciences. She became the first woman to hold this position. She also succeeded her husband as head of the physics laboratory at the Sorbonne. In 1903, she earned her Doctor of Science ...