São Tomé and Príncipe revitalizing its chocolate trade.

How a cacao producer, went from boom to recession to economic stability in this tiny island that was once a Portuguese colony. 

Sao Tome and Principe were the world’s largest producers of cocoa. However, in the past century, cocoa farming was incomplete.

Hence, Sao Tome’s farmers are working to restore the country’s reputation. Now they were focusing on quality of cocoa not just quantity.
 São Tomé and Principe found the beautiful islands. But they lose their hope due to the ‘Rosas’. 

In 1913, Sao Tome and Principe was named the `Chocolate Islands’. Because of despite being the second smallest country in Africa. It was the world’s largest producer of cocoa. In addition, with an area of ​​1,001 square kilometers and a population of about 200,000 people.

Moreover, the Portuguese country will not be able to meet the high demand of cocoa in the global chocolate industry (World Bank, 2019).

Today, the world leading cacao grower is the Ivory Coast producing around 2 million tons. According to the International Cocoa Organization (2019) there is global output at over 4 million tons. 

 Today’s leading cacao producers, the Ivory Coast and Ghana, not only have more land. They also have largest population with more experienced farmer.

In addition, they even have more financial resources and international support than São Tomé & Príncipe. However, making it undesirable for the country to return to the number one spot in world cacao production. 

According to the World Bank (2019), “The limited number of people and workers in the country often prevent the efficient production of goods and services at the scale”. They needed to meet the demand for both local and export markets.

 However, according to World Bank 2019 agricultural products, especially cocoa, still account for most of the country’s exports today.

„We want to produce an extraordinary chocolate with a rich taste and high aromatic quality. We want to highlight the unique essence of our cocoa bean, just like in creating a great wine.

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