Tag: Nuclear Plant

Hisashi Ouchi, Who Was Exposed To Highest Level Of Radiation

Hisashi Ouchi, Who Was Exposed To Highest Level Of Radiation

Hisashi Ouchi was a Japanese nuclear plant worker who was exposed to the highest level of radiation ever recorded on a human being. He received an estimated 17 sieverts (Sv) of radiation during a criticality accident at the Tokaimura nuclear plant in Japan on September 30, 1999. This was about 17,000 times the maximum annual permissible exposure level set by the government. In September 1999, Hisashi Ouchi, a 35-year-old former high school rugby player from Japan, faced an unimaginable ordeal at a nuclear fuel-processing plant. Ouchi and two colleagues were working on purifying uranium oxide when a criticality accident occurred, releasing a dangerous amount of radiation. The workers, lacking experience with such highly enriched uranium, unintentionally overfilled a tank, leading to ...