Tag: crack down

Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz Cracks Down on Hoarders

Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz Cracks Down on Hoarders

CM Maryam Nawaz vows zero tolerance for hoarders, ensuring strict actions against them. Emphasizing the need for a better price control system, CM Maryam highlights the persistent issue of high prices during Ramadan. Moreover, she also warns against using politics to stir unrest, promising no leniency towards such actions. In a bold move to tackle hoarding and ensure fair prices, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz made strong statements during a recent press conference at the CM House in Lahore. CM Maryam Nawaz put a strong stance about her perspective in the very important press conference. Here's what went down: CM Maryam declared a no-nonsense policy towards hoarders, emphasizing the need for fair pricing and cracking down on those who manipulate prices for personal gain. ...