Russia Calls US an ‘Enemy’ for the First Time

Relations between the United States and Russia hit a new low this week after a Kremlin spokesperson declared the U.S. an “enemy” nation. Analysts are closely monitoring the situation to see how this development impacts the war in Ukraine and the broader relationship between the US and Russia.

In a sharp escalation of tensions, the Kremlin officially referred to the United States as an “enemy” for the first time this week. This unprecedented statement by Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for President Vladimir Putin, comes amidst a backdrop of worsening relations between the two superpowers due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The conflict between Moscow and Kyiv was orchestrated by Western elites who sought to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia.

This strong language reflects growing tensions. Peskov mentioned that the US recently stopped former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter from traveling to Russia. He described this as part of a larger effort to prevent Americans from interacting with Russia. Peskov acknowledged that such travel bans on former intelligence officers are common worldwide, especially in countries considered hostile.

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin, made the statement during a press briefing. He reportedly said, “We are now an enemy country for them, just as they are for us.” This marks a significant shift in tone, as Russia had previously used terms like “unfriendly states” or “opponents” to describe the U.S. This shift comes after the US allowed Ukraine to use American weapons against targets inside Russia.

Earlier this year, President Vladimir Putin stated that Western elites, not the American people, are Russia’s true enemies. He claimed that these elites are using Ukraine to try to weaken Russia strategically. He has strongly warned the West that Moscow could supply weapons to its adversaries.

While Peskov noted that there’s no broad anti-American sentiment in Russia, he expressed hope that Americans and Russians would eventually see each other as friends, not enemies. This new, harsher label raises concerns about the potential for further escalation in the already volatile region.

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