Tag: new wave

Covid-19 is getting out of hands in China again

Covid-19 is getting out of hands in China again

In the last 20 days, Covid-19 has reached a new level in China. Hospitals are full as they are getting 250 million cases per month. "Every person I know is getting fever", citizens are crying. Nearly 37 million people in China may have been infected with COVID-19 on a single day this week. The Bloomberg news agency has reported. Citing minutes from an internal meeting of the country’s National Health Commission held on Wednesday. In all, the report which was published on Friday said about 18 percent of the country’s population of 248 million people are likely to have contracted the virus in the first 20 days of December. That stood in dramatic contrast to the official number of 3,049 new infections reported that day. Hospitals in China appear to be filling up amid concerns about a f...