Tag: macadonian

Cleopatra VII Philopator: Lady with beauty and brains

Cleopatra VII Philopator: Lady with beauty and brains

Cleopatra was a goddess, a queen, and a skilled diplomat and negotiator. She was a great politician who knew how to show off her and her country’s power and influence. Cleopatra whose full name was Cleopatra VII Philopator, born in 69 or 68 BC. She belongs to the Macedonian Dynasty, her family rules Egypt for 300 years. Her father Ptolemy I Soter get Egypt after the rein of Alexander the great in 332 BC. Cleopatra also known as The Father Loving Goddess. Cleopatra often refers more on beauty scale but she was much above than that. She knows 7 languages including Greek and Egyptian. She has a vast knowledge of Mathematics, philosophy, oratory and astronomy, and Egyptian sources later described her as a ruler “who elevated the ranks of scholars and enjoyed their company. Queen knows th...