Tag: indus river dolphin population

The Indus Blind Dolphin : Near to Extinction

The Indus Blind Dolphin : Near to Extinction

The lower part of River Indus is home to the beautiful and rare specie of Dolphins. The population of these Indus blind dolphins however is decreasing drastically. Moving towards the lower part of the massive river Indus, you'd notice in the waters, one of the most rarest animals in the world 'The Indus Blind Dolphin'. This beautiful breed of Dolphins, is only found in Pakistan and is considered the second most endangered freshwater river dolphin. indus Dolphins are also known as 'Blind Dolphins'. This is because these dolphins have been surviving in muddy waters for millions of years now and evolution has caused them to lose their sight. The dolphins now use SONAR and echolocation to find their way and hunt. Another point that adds to the uniqueness of these dolphins swim ...