Tag: Buzz Aldrin

July 20, 1969: Apollo 11 astronauts landed on moon

July 20, 1969: Apollo 11 astronauts landed on moon

Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins landed on the moon approximately 53 years ago. Some people still called it a hoax and many more believe in this achievement. Let's read some real facts about the moon's mission in 1969. If you find yourself in a dispute about whether humanity first set foot on the Moon on July 20, 1969, you are probably not ready for it. Most people believe that US government, Nasa, and the 12 astronauts who stepped on the Moon did fake it. The 400,000 individuals engaged in the Apollo 11 program would not be able to fake one of humanity's greatest achievements. However, people do believe that the US government and NASA had faked it. They exclaim that they wanted to divert the attention of people away from the Vietnam wa...