A shocking allegation has surfaced in the Indian film industry. A male actor has filed a sexual assault complaint against renowned Kerala filmmaker Ranjith. He allegedly claimed he was forced to strip naked under the pretence of an audition and was subsequently sexually assaulted.
A well-known Kerala filmmaker Ranjith, is facing serious allegations of sexual assault. The case was brought forward by a Bengali actress, Sreelekha Mitra. She accused Ranjith of inappropriate behaviour during a film project discussion. The Kerala Police have registered a case under Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code. This code significantly deals with assault or criminal force on a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty.
The situation took a darker turn when another complaint surfaced, this time from a male actor. The actor claimed that in 2012, Ranjith lured him to a hotel in Bengaluru under the guise of an audition. According to the complaint, Ranjith forced the actor to strip and then assaulted him, promising roles in return. The actor initially believed this was part of the audition process but realized the gravity of the situation only afterwards. As per the complainant, his naked photos were sent to Revathi. Ranjith also reportedly told him that Revathi liked what she saw.
These allegations come shortly after Ranjith resigned as the chairman of the Kerala State Chalachithra Academy, following the initial complaints by Sreelekha Mitra. The police have stated that a Special Investigation Team (SIT) will thoroughly investigate these allegations.
Hema Commission Report
The case has sparked a significant reaction within the Malayalam film industry. Other actors come forward with their own troubling experiences. The Justice Hema Commission Report was recently released. This report has shed light on the widespread issue of sexual abuse in the industry, leading to a wave of accusations against prominent figures.
The 235-page report, published after redacting the names of witnesses and the accused, notes that the Malayalam film industry is controlled by about 10 to 15 male producers, directors, and actors who dominate and exert control over the industry.
The report was prepared by a three-member panel headed by a former judge of the Kerala High Court and set up by the state government in 2017. It was submitted to the Pinarayi-led Kerala government in December 2019 and made public only this month.
Ranjith has not yet publicly responded to these latest allegations, but the situation has put the Malayalam film industry under intense scrutiny.